- 16th - 23rd July 2025, PLACES AVAILABLE

- 16th - 23rd July 2025, PLACES AVAILABLE






DATES 2025

16th - 23rd JULY 2025




£2670 Per Person


  • With his passion and creative approach to working on seabirds, Kevin Morgans is best known for his inspiring work on Puffins. On this exciting new itinerary, we are thrilled to collaborate with Kevin, pulling together our unparalleled local knowledge and experience, particularly on Otters. Each species will be worked on at a variety of locations and habitats through a variety of styles and techniques, offering guests the opportunity to shoot exciting portfolios of each species. Fieldcraft and understanding species’ behavior will be prioritized while assisting guests in ensuring that images are taken responsibly and that the wildlife is always prioritized.

    This photography tour focuses primarily on these three species. With multiple leaders on hand throughout, this tour is designed and led to suit all levels of photographers. For experienced, guests we ensure through our local and species knowledge that you get the best out of each location and subject whilst for less experienced guests we are on hand for tuition, critique, and encouragement as and when needed.

    So that we endeavor to provide the best possible shooting options on any given day, although we plan to follow an itinerary, our day-to-day excursions need to remain flexible, (or at least where logistically possible). Factors such as weather will be followed and monitored continually through the tour- whilst a distraction such as a report of a pod of Orca may well occur, and connection may well be possible!

    • Species assignment targeting Puffin, Otter & Gannet

    • Featuring the leadership, expertise, and local knowledge of multiple guides

    • Itinerary runnin over eight days: seven nights’ accommodation, six days in the field

    • National Nature Reserve shooting locations of: Sumburgh Head, Noss, Hermaness

    • Exclusive boat charters – Gannet feeding frenzy off Noss and Muckle Flugga Lighthouse

    • Bespoke Otter assignments: group paired off with guides to work on this very elusive species

    • This tour will include a short beach clean as part of our commitment to protecting Shetland’s natural environment


  • The tour begins at 1800 in the Sumburgh Hotel reception where you will be met by us. Over dinner as we get acquainted we discuss the program, species, and locations and enthuse about the images we endeavor to facilitate your shoot. If weather conditions allow there will be an after-dinner shoot on the close-by Sumburgh Head. Overnight- Sumburgh Hotel.

  • Begin the morning at Sumburgh Head Reserve for the first of three locations to work on Puffins. Here there may also be opportunities for other seabirds such as Fulmar, Razorbill, and Shag. Later we drive north to Shetland’s main town, Lerwick from where we take the short ferry crossing to Bressay, bound for the small uninhabited island of Noss National Nature Reserve. Puffins and Gannets will be our two target species here. We are boated across the very narrow channel to the island by the island’s wardens and once we reach the east side of the islands are rewarded with the sight and spectacle of the sheer cliffs and the impressive colonies.

  • Today we return to Lerwick to join Shetland Seabird Tours for the sensational spectacle of a Gannet feeding frenzy off Noss NNR. Having enjoyed the previous day shooting here from the clifftops, today we enjoy the views and opportunities from sea level and after the exhilarating session of Gannet feeding frenzy, we also cruise close beneath the towering sea cliffs and the spectacular Gannetry, which supports over 13,000 breeding pairs. Here we will also work on other seabirds such as Puffins, Common Guillemot, and Kittiwake.

    Our base for the next four nights will be at a guest house on Fetlar.

  • Over these three days based on Britain’s most northerly island, we will work on two assignments. Each day guests will be paired with leaders to work on assignments to target otters at various locations on Unst and Yell whilst the rest of the group heads out to Hermaness National Nature Reserve.

    Arguably the most breath-taking of seabird cities in Britain, here we will target Gannets and Puffins. With spectacular panoramic views of sea cliffs and stacks, there are superb opportunities to show these fabulous seabirds in their environment. The reserve here is home to an impressively high breeding density of Great Skua, better known in Shetland as Bonxies across the surrounding moorland which we can see and take time to shoot on the journey across the footpath of the reserve to the cliffs. The cliffs are home to over 22,000 pairs of Gannets here, spread over several colonies and there can also be some exciting options to shoot Puffins here too.

    Over these days there will be at least two leaders taking guests on otter rotations. This is a tantalizing assignment where guests learn about field craft, otter behavior, and perhaps most importantly, how to work towards shooting opportunities with these marvelous and notoriously elusive mammals.

    Whilst on Unst we will also embark on an exciting boat charter from an on-the-sea perspective of the awe-inspiring seabird cities, including the sea stacks and Muckle Flugga Lighthouse that we have been enjoying from above. In addition to the spectacular opportunities to photograph the colonies and their inhabitants, at sea level we also enjoy exciting opportunities to capture the action of Bonxies mobbing Gannets, not to mention flocks of puffins on mirror-calm black water, beneath the shadows of the towering cliffs.

  • On our final full day, we leave Unst for return shoots at Noss and Sumburgh Head. In the evening over dinner, we enjoy looking back over our week, the places we have been, species we have shot, and images we have taken before saying our goodbyes.

  • After breakfast, you are transferred from Hotel to the airport and sadly we say our goodbyes here.




  • Ferry fares & Transport

  • Seven nights’ accommodation on Shetland

  • All meals

  • Guiding Fees

  • Excursions.


  • Items of a personal nature

  • Travel to and from Shetland

  • Snacks & Alcohol

  • Personal/Travel Insurance

  • “What a wonderful trip we had with Kevin in the Shetlands. The group was lively and friendly and Kevin made sure that he spent time with each of us to help us be more creative. Loved every minute and wouldn’t hesitate to sign up for another workshop with him in the future”

    Tessa - Life On The Ledge 2023

  • “ I booked this trip versus other similar trips as I’d been with Kevin before and knew of his passion for Puffins and The Shetlands from his book. It was also a part of the world I wanted to explore with someone who knew the lay of the land. The trip exceeded my expectations at every level in terms of the locations and the photo opportunities. I have managed to get some (for me) awesome shots under Kevin’s guidance. Kevin’s winning personality also made the trip a huge success in terms of how we all got on together. Just tops.”

    John - Life On The Ledge 2023

  • "This is the second trip led by Kev that I have been on and just with the first, it did not disappoint. Seeing and photographing sea birds and puffins with Kev was an incredible experience, and his passion for photography, the scenery and wildlife were infectious. Kev assisted everyone with getting shots they really wanted, by offering advice on both positioning, equipment and settings - his knowledge and expertise helped everyone walk away with shots they were happy with. Photography aside, Kev’s easy going nature, generosity and kindness ensured everyone on the trip was well looked after, knew the plans and bonded as a group. Thank you so much for an awesome experience, I have left with photos I am proud of, happy memories that will last a lifetime, new friendships and a love for Shetland Reel Gin"

    Katie - Life On The Ledge 2024

  • "Thanks Kevin for leading this amazing, fulfilling trip. It certainly was on the edge! To experience these islands has been a great eye opener. We were blessed with the weather that made it even more magical. The variety of birds have filled many memory cards with a delightful array for social media and friends. The most epic moment for me was the boat to tour from Lerwick to see the frenzy of Gannets feeding off Noss NR. It was crazy and didn’t know what to capture next!"

    Linda - Life On The Ledge 2024


Kevin Morgans Wildlife Photography
Email: kevinmorgans@outlook.com
Phone: 07578798667